Adam wouldn't wake up - so Emma decided to help by crawling in with him! |
I guess it worked! |
Back in bed lovin each other - Where is Nathan???? In the bed across the room groaning :) |
Pix taken for Student ID |
Pix taken for student ID
I can't believe that it's Friday again! The weeks are flying by so fast. Monday was my first French class - pretty darn difficult and I realized after Nathan asked if I had homework, that I have no book, handouts or anything to study in order to prepare for next class - bummer! Then we signed Nathan up for Lycee Fredrick Bazille - one of the local public high schools here and he seems excited to be starting on Tuesday - he will go to classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Today we had an appointment with the Principal and the English teacher (as the interpreter) to discuss Emma and Adam attending the local College - 6-9 grades. Emma told us that she really didn't want to go to school in France because she is afraid she won't get her American schoolwork done. I think we all knew that she was nervous and scared of the unknown world of attending school in France with french students, french teachers, french books etc.... I asked her to please go to the meeting and see how the school looks, how she feels after meeting a couple of people etc.... We were only hoping for them to go to school 2-3 times/week to have the experience and meet some friends. We all walked by the school yesterday - Adam jumping around and happy as always and Emma quiet and subdued. Last night, however, when I needed someone to take my photo card to the store to print pix for this morning in case we signed them up, Emma volunteered - seemed like a step in the right direction to me :) Our meeting was at 9:50 and Andy was going to meet us at the school - we (Emma, Adam and I) were up and ready to go at 9:25 - walked to the tram and waited and waited and waited - it finally came, much later than usual. By the time we got off of the tram we told Adam to RUN to the school and tell Dad we are coming (the school is another 5-10 min walk from the tram stop). In the meantime, Andy is texting me "where are you" as he waits at the gate with the English teacher - my cell phone won't text out because I am out of credit and need to recharge my account which isn't easy of course because when I dial "952" the ENTIRE MESSAGE is in French - none of this "for Anglais press 1" stuff like we have in the states for spanish speaking people - nooooooo, so, I ignore the texts and walk as fast as I can with Emma - we did make it and the English teacher had someone cover his next class so he could stay with us for the meeting with the principal - whew!
Adam started things off by asking a few questions and then telling the Principal and English teacher what he would like to do (we thought 2 days/week or 3 days/week) - he ended up signing on for the entire week of classes with the understanding that if it is too much, we will bump it down - wow! Then it was Emma's turn. While she was looking at all of the classes on the schedule, the principal took the paper and began crossing a bunch of them off! Latin - gone, Greek - gone, Spanish - gone! Emma's eyes got a little wider :) When she saw that she was not going to have to go in until 9:00 on Monday, she would have Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon off and an hour for lunch, she jumped on the bandwagon and signed on for the entire week too (same understanding as Adam!). The English teacher has picked out two girls who speak very good English to help Adam out - both are named Emma! And they are also arranging for two students who are good in English to help Emma. So, we paid for lunches, toured the school, collected books, met the librarian and Adam's Biology teacher who speaks English and left 1.5 hours later - everyone seemed o.k. - no tears, no meltdowns etc.... Emma realized that she will be able to come and go to school everyday by herself!
Nathan and Emma are on the other side of town right now, looking for and buying school supplies :)
Adam and Andy tried to go to their first Handball game with Mr. Boisson tonight but when they got to the stadium, it was sold out! Adam is a little bummed - Montpellier is supposed to be a great team! Maybe next time.
We are planning to go someplace this weekend, it looks like maybe Arles and/or Camargue :) Stay tuned for updates!
It all sounds very exciting!!!!